16 Horsepower


BY Carol HarrisonPublished Dec 1, 2001

16 Horsepower speaks of the ultimate dark truths that walk with us through this life. For most bands this often means playing live and interpreting songs in other ways than they were rendered in the studio. Hoarse is that successful rendering. The band epitomises American Gothic, and this translates well live, as this CD testifies. The quartet is able to capture the eerie mood properly with all the instruments they are able to play. One highlight is the retelling of John Fogarty's "Bad Moon Rising" as an uneasy, dreadful warning. You can almost smell the swamp and feel the hairs prickling on the back of your neck. These kinds of covers are the reasons I think why live albums can do the best work in allowing the band creative personality twists. Live shows often allow the band to stretch their legs a bit and when they're-recorded, lets the fans in for the treat. Hoarse opens the door for innocents to the temple terrible that is 16 Horsepower and allows the baptised to writhe in the mucky waters with delight.
(Checkered Past)

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