KEN Mode

"Dead Actors"

BY Gregory AdamsPublished May 19, 2015

Winnipeg's KEN Mode have already offered up a steady stream of noisy previews ahead of the release of their upcoming Success, and they're keeping pace by premiering yet another early crusher. On the surface, this one's a salty salute to you scenery-chewers out there, and it's called "Dead Actors."

A few detuned pinch harmonics start off the song, with a dour bass groove and a morose line of questioning soon to follow. "What was the last thing you've done that mattered?" Jesse Matthewson asks.

What follows is a crashed-out passage of squealing guitars and rumbling beats, with whispered and shouted vocals taking a ruminative look at all the chaos that life sends our way.

You can check out the amped-up analysis in the player down below. Success arrives June 16 via New Damage Records/Season of Mist.

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