Articles by Ian Gormely
PUBLISHED May 30, 2014
Gold-Bears' debut was a catchy, though lightweight, slab of C86 worship, but their sophomore effort tightens and toughens up their sound. T...
Junior Battles
PUBLISHED May 23, 2014
Nominally a pop-punk band, Toronto's Junior Battles display a musical world view that extends beyond the confines that of that label. While...
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Bryan Singer
PUBLISHED May 23, 2014
Marvels' Avengers and its feeder films asked a lot of viewers, requiring audiences to watch five other movies in order to fully "get" the s...
Cousins' Aaron Mangle Discusses His Grandmother's Influence on 'The Halls of Wickwire'
PUBLISHED May 16, 2014
Halifax's Cousins were always a songwriting vehicle for singer-guitarist Aaron Mangle, but for the band's latest, the just released The Hal...
The Halls of Wickwire
PUBLISHED May 14, 2014
Aaron Mangle has always been Cousins' central force. As the project's lone constant, his high-pitched howl formed the nucleus of Cousins' i...
The Great Hall, Toronto ON, May 9
PUBLISHED May 11, 2014
Woods amassed a sizeable back catalogue in a relatively short amount of time, and the Brooklyn group's live performances are a rare chance...
Adelaide Hall, Toronto ON, May 10

PUBLISHED May 11, 2014
Given the wide open, triumphant tone of their record, Nothing are certainly a dour-looking group of dudes. The Philadelphia quartet looked...
No Age
Virgin Mobile Mod Club, Toronto ON, May 10
PUBLISHED May 11, 2014
Someone recently asked me to explain the appeal of No Age, and there's really no better place to start than their live shows. Stripped of t...