Trevor HallCat EmpireThe Infamous StringdustersVictor WootenBahamasFruitionMoontricksJennifer HartswickJill BarberJon and RoyShred KellyUnder the RocksApollo SunsEmily MillardNeil GrayEisenhauersPenny ShadesSmall Town ArtilleryFronterasThe Porch HoundsKootenay Garage Band
Kaslo Jazz Fest
Kaslo Bay ParkDoors open @ Aug 2, 2024, 4:00 PM
- Trevor Hall
- Cat Empire
- The Infamous Stringdusters
- Victor Wooten
- Bahamas
- Fruition
- Moontricks
- Jennifer Hartswick
- Jill Barber
- Jon and Roy
- Shred Kelly
- Under the Rocks
- Apollo Suns
- Emily Millard
- Neil Gray
- Eisenhauers
- Penny Shades
- Small Town Artillery
- Fronteras
- The Porch Hounds
- Kootenay Garage Band
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