Following their Oscar-winning work on The Social Network and Golden Globe-nominated work on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Nine Inch Nails main man Trent Reznor and his How to Destroy Angels collaborator Atticus Ross have teamed up to soundtrack another David Fincher film. We learned that they were scoring Gone Girl earlier this year, and now they've opened up with more details from the release.
Reznor, Ross and Fincher opened up about their soundtrack strategy in a new interview with the Wall Street Journal. The soundtrack saw Reznor working with an orchestra for the first time in his career.
Reznor explained that Fincher had a specific sound in mind, telling him to "'think about the really terrible music you hear in massage parlors.' The way that it artificially tries to make you feel like everything's okay. And then imagine that sound starting to curdle and unravel."
"I said a spa, not a massage parlor!" Fincher said, correcting Reznor. Fincher added that he was inspired by Reznor and Ross's working relationship. "It's never, 'This needs to have a lot of reverb,' " the director said. "The conversation is almost always, 'What feeling are you trying to evoke?' They're world creators — what they do with music is not unlike what CGI artists do visually."
Ross, for his part, explained that the soundtrack evolves drastically while remaining rooted in some structure. "The piece travels the journey of the story, mutating within itself from something that feels warm and loving to something that feels so sick. But we close on the same music we open on."
Though a stand-alone release for the soundtrack has not been announced as of yet, Gone Girl is set to hit theatres on October 3. The film's trailer can be viewed below.
Reznor, Ross and Fincher opened up about their soundtrack strategy in a new interview with the Wall Street Journal. The soundtrack saw Reznor working with an orchestra for the first time in his career.
Reznor explained that Fincher had a specific sound in mind, telling him to "'think about the really terrible music you hear in massage parlors.' The way that it artificially tries to make you feel like everything's okay. And then imagine that sound starting to curdle and unravel."
"I said a spa, not a massage parlor!" Fincher said, correcting Reznor. Fincher added that he was inspired by Reznor and Ross's working relationship. "It's never, 'This needs to have a lot of reverb,' " the director said. "The conversation is almost always, 'What feeling are you trying to evoke?' They're world creators — what they do with music is not unlike what CGI artists do visually."
Ross, for his part, explained that the soundtrack evolves drastically while remaining rooted in some structure. "The piece travels the journey of the story, mutating within itself from something that feels warm and loving to something that feels so sick. But we close on the same music we open on."
Though a stand-alone release for the soundtrack has not been announced as of yet, Gone Girl is set to hit theatres on October 3. The film's trailer can be viewed below.