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Tommy Genesis

"Hair Like Water Wavy Like the Sea" (ft. Abra) (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Aug 25, 2015

From sea to shining sea, Vancouver hip-hop figure Tommy Genesis is currently on a quest to take over the game. Off the heels of her recently released debut LP, World Vision, the rapper has unveiled a scenic video behind the album's "Hair Like Water Wavy Like the Sea."

The clip, directed by Genesis, is outright gorgeous, showing off a watery coastal locale from a high-up on a cliff. Taking it all in first-person are Genesis and fellow Awful Records signee Abra, who spend the video rifling off a mix of bars and sung hooks surrounded by natural beauty.

Fierce and engaging as a crashing wave are lines about cutting the cord with the hangers-on, and keeping your exes "ex'd out."

You'll find the pair pushing forward down below.

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