Tess Roby Returns with New Project Dawn to Dawn

Hear the Montreal artist team up with the Beat Escape for their debut single "Meridian"

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Dec 11, 2020

We last heard from Tess Roby back with her 2018 Italians Do It Better album Beacon, but the Montreal-based artist is now branching out with a new project called Dawn to Dawn. The trio have just released their debut single "Meridian," and you can check it out now.

In addition to Roby, Dawn to Dawn features Adam Ohr and Patrick Lee of Montreal's the Beat Escape, with the trio first meeting in late 2018 before eventually starting to make music together. As you'll hear, "Meridian" manages to keep Roby's ethereal dream-pop tendencies intact, though they are now presented from a more abstract dance-geared angle.

Of the origin of Dawn to Dawn and the eventual birth of "Meridian," the group shared the following:

On Friday, November 23rd, 2018, Tess Roby, Adam Ohr and Patrick Lee met for an afternoon coffee in Lee's apartment on Parc Avenue in Montreal. It was the first time they would hang out, something they'd been meaning to do after months of admiring one another's music. Shy and not fully themselves, they exchanged records and conversation, slowly drinking espressos in the dining room before deciding to turn on some keyboards in the studio in the back-room of the apartment.

The studio was lit with Christmas lights and the hum from the synthesizers and drum machines blanketed the space. If you listened closely, you could hear a distant FM signal in the speakers broadcasting French Canadian talk radio. The microphone was turned on and the few words they shared before playing anything were amplified with reverb.

With no real intentions, a song mysteriously emerged in about 25 minutes. It happened so quickly, and without knowing each other at all — suddenly they felt as if they had known each other for years. They continued to work on the recording throughout the night, opening bottles of wine and reveling in the unexpected results of their meeting. That song, called "Meridian," is the first one they present to you today; a piece made from sudden friendship, and the will to surrender unconditionally to a universal feeling, one that transcends all confessions, expressing a deep curiosity about the miraculous.

Listen to "Meridian" below and stay tuned for news about Dawn to Dawn's upcoming debut album, which is expected out in 2021.

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