Stephin Merritt

"Lo" / "La" (videos)

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jun 26, 2015

Last year, Magnetic Fields leader Stephin Merritt released a poetry book called 101 Two Letter Words, inspired by all of the two-letter words officially approved Scrabble. Now, he has penned songs for the words "Lo" and "La."

Why "Lo" and "La"? Well, the songs were commissioned by Interfictions Online, and the publication's Arts Editor Henry Lien has a rat terrier named Lola.

Both of the songs are very short and simple, lasting less than a minute and featuring Merritt crooning richly while strumming a ukulele. In the simple home videos, we see that he's accompanied by Sam Davol on cello, and Lola the dog sits beside them

Check out the tunes below.

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