
Soft Science

BY Eric ThomPublished Jun 1, 2006

Atlantic Canada has long been a multi-genre, musical hotbed of talent and, in a blind taste test you’d swear this 26-minute, six-song release had its origins in London or Dublin before you’d ever guess Moncton. Good on them. This soft-spoken five-piece approximate the best of Britpop while, at the same time, is somewhat limited in their full musical expression as a result. Comparisons to the obvious (U2, Coldplay, etc.) are largely due to a great vocalist in Corey Hachey and Edge-clone guitarist Neal MacLean. Yet such is not mere mimicry. The EP is aptly named — the songs are a study in "soft science.” Repetitive riffs meet droning, mournful sounds that paint bleak landscapes as they present a sense of dark introspection. The musicianship is studied and effective, clearly making Hachey’s expressive vocals the band’s centrepiece. What’s missing is more depth in the songwriting and a voice they can clearly call their own. Keyboards are in place but invisible and a second guitar might up the musical ante to breathe more life into the songsmanship. At the same time, these guys show huge potential and their live show will be their acid test. Definitely a science worth studying!

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