
Midnight Magic

BY Dimitri NasrallahPublished Feb 16, 2007

A hitherto unknown quantity, Norway’s Skatebärd is usually introduced as pop princess Annie’s roommate, though other than sharing the occasional milk carton at breakfaat, the two don’t share very much else in common. That said, Skatebärd does have a greater kinship to the retrofied space disco sound heralded by Lindstrøm and Prins Thomas, although after a few listens I’m apt to think that this unassuming newcomer is a tad more consistent than his forbears. Whereas Lindstrom tends to get carried away with synth solos and a stoner’s pace, Midnight Magic sticks to its backdrop of Italo disco a bit more tersely, sticking to the few keys that matter and in the process offering up tracks that are, on the whole, punchier than his counterpart’s recent It’s a Feedelity Affair. And how punchy it gets! From reverb-emblazoned album opener "Atle” to the sun-kissed "Boyvox” to the positively thumping "Caravan” on down the track list, Skatebärd convinces you that he’s a producer to watch, if not dance to, and that Midnight Magic is not only an impressive assembly, but also possesses a rare warmth that makes it loveable too.

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