The Secret Museum Of Mankind series was a beguiling series of folk music from around the world compiled by Yazoo Records during the 1990s. At the time, CDs had hit a sweet, profitable spot as a format due to falling production costs and maturing distribution. As a result, the financing of ambitious series like this were potentially self-sustaining if not lucrative. Yazoo put out five numbered volumes and several themed editions of recordings culled from 78s released from 1910s to the '40s, which themselves were evidence of an earlier gold rush in a recorded music format. A favourite of many is this truly stunning compendium of Central Asia. Available for the first time as a 180-gram gatefold double LP, this compilation goes back to the vinyl roots of its sources and features some of the most unearthly, microtonal sounds and song you've ever heard accompanied by fascinating liner notes.
Secrets of Central Asia
BY David DacksPublished Aug 22, 2011