Robert Pollard Readies 'Jack Sells the Cow' LP

BY Josiah HughesPublished Jul 4, 2012

At this point, it's safe to call Robert Pollard the Lil B of indie rock; dude is making peers look mighty lazy thanks to release after release of new material. Having this year already released his solo album Mouseman Cloud and two new Guided by Voices records with a third on the way, dude has cranked out yet another Pollard outing for our enjoyment.

 The new solo record is called Jack Sells the Cow, and counts as Pollard's 18th solo record outside of his various other projects. While we don't have a tracklisting available, the album is said to clock in at 32 minutes and to be "perhaps the sprightliest, most light-footed music Pollard has recorded this year."

 The press release continues:

The superabundance of melody and densely packed stylistic swerves and flourishes on Jack rival anything Pollard's recorded recently, and while five albums in a year might strike some as overkill, you have to imagine his relentless output is a less-than-calculated move -- a smarter businessman would hold back product so as to build demand, but Robert Pollard has never been a businessman. He's an artist, full stop, at a time when it seems that every artist / musician is expected to have an MBA. He's scrapped enough proposed albums to fill many another group's entire discography; he puts out records because he likes the records. And he hopes you'll like them too.

You can find out whether or not you like this particular Pollard outing when he releases it this fall via GBV Inc. The CD will drop on September 18, with an LP arriving shortly thereafter on October 2. Of course, by then Pollard will likely have cranked out enough material to keep the releases pouring out deep into 2013.

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