Once again a musician-turned-activist is looking to world-governing leaders to take action on a pressing issue, but for a change it isn't Ireland's socio-conscience Bono as the main attraction. Instead Radiohead's Thom Yorke is calling for national governments and the European Union to act, not talk, on the battle against global warning.
York has expressed his thoughts on how the world would "never wake from the nightmare of climate change" unless proper structures are put in place to help reduce and eventually stop these problems. These comments coincided with The Big Ask organisation as they launched a Europe-wide campaign against climate change. This campaign was put in place to help regular people ask their politicians to take action against climate change and in March 2007 had a draft Climate Change Bill introduced.
"By committing to annual cuts in our emissions at a national and European level we can play our part in tackling climate change, and set an example for the rest of world to follow," said Yorke. According to reports found by the BBC, the UK looks unlikely to meet its target of reducing CO2 emissions by 20 percent for 2010.
Yorke has been working with the group since it's inception in 2005 and is one of many musicians who have spoken out on the behalf of the cause.
On a completely unrelated note, Yorkes band Radiohead have announced one Canadian date for the summertime. The band will perform at the Molson Amphitheatre on August 15.
York has expressed his thoughts on how the world would "never wake from the nightmare of climate change" unless proper structures are put in place to help reduce and eventually stop these problems. These comments coincided with The Big Ask organisation as they launched a Europe-wide campaign against climate change. This campaign was put in place to help regular people ask their politicians to take action against climate change and in March 2007 had a draft Climate Change Bill introduced.
"By committing to annual cuts in our emissions at a national and European level we can play our part in tackling climate change, and set an example for the rest of world to follow," said Yorke. According to reports found by the BBC, the UK looks unlikely to meet its target of reducing CO2 emissions by 20 percent for 2010.
Yorke has been working with the group since it's inception in 2005 and is one of many musicians who have spoken out on the behalf of the cause.
On a completely unrelated note, Yorkes band Radiohead have announced one Canadian date for the summertime. The band will perform at the Molson Amphitheatre on August 15.