Via the use of a whole bunch of garbage, electronic duo Psapp's video for their What Makes Us Glow single "Wet Salt" attempts to show us the wonders of urban life.
The video "stars" a paper cube riddled with what seem to be lion faces, which each coo out the lines for the jazzy pop song. Throughout the vid, it's accompanied by a crawling wig, crushed by a wine bottle, and manages to get around town in a shopping cart. You can peep the cutesy journey down below.
"'Wet Salt' is a song about the dirt, greyness and magic of city life," the band wrote in a statement. "It's about where Galia [Durant] lives in London — full of bustle, dirt, colour and magic. It's also about the internal battle where you yearn for the quiet green of the countryside but somehow can't live without the mess and madness of a city."
The video "stars" a paper cube riddled with what seem to be lion faces, which each coo out the lines for the jazzy pop song. Throughout the vid, it's accompanied by a crawling wig, crushed by a wine bottle, and manages to get around town in a shopping cart. You can peep the cutesy journey down below.
"'Wet Salt' is a song about the dirt, greyness and magic of city life," the band wrote in a statement. "It's about where Galia [Durant] lives in London — full of bustle, dirt, colour and magic. It's also about the internal battle where you yearn for the quiet green of the countryside but somehow can't live without the mess and madness of a city."