Lucy Dacus Performed Lying on a Couch Due to Herniated Discs

"I am telling myself I am punk for this please do not say otherwise, I'm fragile"

BY Kaelen BellPublished Feb 11, 2022

On Wednesday night (February 9), Lucy Dacus was scheduled to start the latest run of shows for her lovely 2021 record Home Video. However, the tour's opening show in Pittsburgh was delayed due to "an unexpected medical issue (not COVID related)." 

Last night at Detroit's Majestic Theatre, Dacus revealed the cause of that delay and provided a surprising solution — turns out she threw her back out and herniated two discs, so she performed her Detroit show laying down on a big plushy couch. 

Dacus hopped on (or, more likely, logged in very carefully from a prone position) Twitter yesterday before the show to let fans in on the situation, writing "sup, I have two herniated discs and the only way I'm not in pain is laying down SO tonight's show I will be singing from a couch, I am both sorry and also pleased to offer this most humiliating and hilarious moment to you good people of Detroit."

She added, "I am telling myself I am punk for this please do not say otherwise I'm fragile."

And, true to her word, Dacus had a garland-decked couch pulled out onto the centre of the stage and performed the whole show laying on her back, head propped on a pillow. Judging by photos and videos shared online by fans, it seems like it was a vibe! She even managed to sit up briefly during an instrumental jam, which prompted a lot of cheers from the crowd. 

The whole thing was a bit like a cozier version of Mitski's table-based performance art, and it looks like Dacus managed to give fans a great show while keeping herself safe and comfortable. A win all around! 

See Dacus's statement and some fan-captured photos and videos from the show below. 

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