Love of Everything

Total Eclipse of the Heart

BY Star DTPublished Feb 1, 2004

In Chicago, the boys sing tunelessly and some of us adore it. Well not all of the boys, but at least Joan of Arc’s Tim Kinsella and his ilk — and Bobby Burg, aka Love of Everything, is his ilk. This record was actually made with Matt Clark of Joan of Arc a few years ago, but is just now being released by Brilliante. So the miniscule line-up behind Bobby changed a couple of times and he took his little pet project everywhere with his JOA buddies and the lot of us who missed it then get to hear it now. Thank god. Bobby’s innocence is blatant and it carries him over simply incongruous quiet guitar songs that saunter around happily, occasionally breaking into provin’-he-can-do-it bits of big and clear (relatively) melody on tracks like the record’s most fleshed-out part, "Unsizeable.” On "Dear Gravity Fills,” a friend tinkers with a toy piano while Bobby sings a simple ditty before breaking out into an excitable drum-accompanied burst. Nothing here is refined and nothing here is poppy, but everything is warm and completely likable; for those with a vested interest in moments of childlike whimsy and absolute joy.

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