Jerry Granelli/Jeff Reilly

Iron Sky

BY Eric HillPublished Oct 1, 2001

The basic elements of this (mostly) live duo recording are a number of steel sculptures/instruments especially created for these performances by blacksmith John Little. Aside from Reilly's clarinet, all the sounds present emanate from these metallic objects, as played in Little's East Dover, NS, blacksmith shop. The dynamics of the sound, both in its deep resonance and movements from quiet low thrumming to manic staccato explosions, hold the listener enraptured throughout. Those who fear high concept but low enjoyment yielding recordings should seek this out. Each movement builds deliberately upon the simple acoustics of the object used, but with an ear to musicality and rhythms grounded in Granelli's work as a percussionist. These explorations are uniformly satisfying, never overstaying their welcome, as is too often the case in improvised playing.
(Love Slave)

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