James Blake

"The Wilhelm Screamix"

BY Josiah HughesPublished Feb 11, 2011

The merits of James Blake's self-titled debut are widely debated, as evidenced by the comments section below our lukewarm review. One thing that's undeniable about Blake, however, is that the post-dubstep crooner has become something of a punchline in recent months.

First, music journalist Nick Sylvester's Twitter went semi-viral with a series of hilarious tweets about the record. Now, a James Black MIDI remix is making the rounds.

YouTube user CesspoolMusic has taken Blake's soulful vocal track from "The Wilhelm Scream" and paired it with some of the worst MIDI sounds this side of your mom's homepage in the late '90s. As Blake lets his heart roam free over the track, the backing music lets awful saxophones share space with wailing guitar solos for the ultimate cacophony of brutality.

If you've tried arguing that James Blake is making elevator music for hipsters, this just might be your proof.

Check out "The Wilhelm Screamix" below via The Daily Swarm.

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