That Vitaly Harmash is from Belarus is only important to illustrate the kind of non-place network that unites experimental electronic artists. Layers embeds itself into this continuum near the grid points of Christopher Willits and Akira Rabelais, with a little synaptic bleed through from Stefan Betke. The latter comes, perhaps, from an excursion to Minsk by Betke's ~Scape label to record emerging artists, in which Harmash and he worked up an I/Dex vs. Pole track. Much of this album maintains a bright pointillist randomness in its upper frequencies while the under work of movement hums at near subliminal levels. That movement varies from the chopped steps of tracks like "Altal" to the surface tension drone of "Cene," prodded by a tricky little drum pattern. What elevates Layers is Harmash's manner of forcing non-linear concepts upon the unsuspecting CPU. Its processing woes provide much in the way of aesthetic joy.
BY Eric HillPublished Feb 16, 2010