Perhaps the most exuberant of all the ‘90s klezmer-jazz outfits, Hasidic New Wave continues to create music that matches the audacity of their brilliant debut Jews and the Abstract Truth. From the opening funk pulse of “purple vishnu” to the wicked political satire of their finale “giuliani uber alles,” HNW show their satiric fangs throughout, notably in the comic miniature “the frank zappa memorial bris.” David Fiuczynski’s guitar continues to animate and dazzle although the solid soloing and ensemble work of leaders Frank London (trumpet) and Greg Wall (sax) make this much more than just a guitar show. Ceremonial ensemble performances like “benigni” and “amy’s solo” serve to balance the fireworks and mayhem of driving pieces like “ok dear who?” “burkan cocek” and “satmer hakafos nign # 3.” So come on and join the party, and as for the significance of the title? Mysticism and the Cabala? Oy vey, it refers to the botanical study of cabbages. And Radology? Hot radish sauce and gefilte fish.
(Knitting Factory)Hasidic New Wave
BY David LewisPublished Sep 1, 1999