Wanted: an audience. Four-piece American band featuring electric guitar, EBow, synthesiser, bass, lute, Theremin, drums, percussion and relaxation tapes seeks committed followers to join them at a variety of progressive/new age rock festivals (such as Timefest 2003 in Claremont, California) and backyard barbecues/family functions as they develop. Band influences: King Crimson, Weather Report, late-night TV interlude music, Santana and, above all, our own extensive back catalogue (oh, and pot
he he). We are not sexist, racist or homophobic our only preference is an audience with large-size vehicles for band transportation and, ideally, extra gear we could borrow in case our stuff breaks (oh, and pot
he he).
(Cuneiform)Djam Karet
A Night for Baku
BY Eric HillPublished Aug 1, 2003