Djam Karet

A Night for Baku

BY Eric HillPublished Aug 1, 2003

Wanted: an audience. Four-piece American band featuring electric guitar, EBow, synthesiser, bass, lute, Theremin, drums, percussion and relaxation tapes seeks committed followers to join them at a variety of progressive/new age rock festivals (such as Timefest 2003 in Claremont, California) and backyard barbecues/family functions as they develop. Band influences: King Crimson, Weather Report, late-night TV interlude music, Santana and, above all, our own extensive back catalogue (oh, and pot… he he). We are not sexist, racist or homophobic — our only preference is an audience with large-size vehicles for band transportation and, ideally, extra gear we could borrow in case our stuff breaks (oh, and pot… he he).

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