Charli XCX's Boiler Room Set Will Broadcast This Afternoon

It was the highest-demand Boiler Room event to date

Photo: Harley Weir

BY Sydney BrasilPublished Mar 28, 2024

In February, Charli XCX played a Boiler Room set in Brooklyn, NY. Her Party Girl event welcomed the likes of A. G. Cook, George Daniel (of the 1975), Easyfun and Doss, and was notoriously the highest-demand Boiler Room event to date.

Now, footage from her set is finally being released. Boiler Room announced on its socials that it'll begin broadcasting today (March 28) at 4 p.m. ET.

UPDATE (28/3, 4:20 p.m.): The set is currently premiering on YouTube. Watch it below.

A live notification for the video's launch can be set via Boiler Room's website

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