Released on the legendary Knitting Factory label, home of such avant hip-hop and illbient artists as DJ Spooky and Byzar, Bruknahm features music by Saundi Wilson and Sebastian Bardin, who have produced tracks for Mos Def and De La Soul. This album encompasses a variety of styles, from acid jazz to free jazz, hip-hop to pan-ethnic musical flavours. However, apart from two tracks, "Elitist Bull Shit" and "Loft Session," this album is a disappointment. One would think that music made by New Yorkers, would have more savvy and skill. Take rhyming tracks like "Proof" and "Algo Para Creer"; is this stuff really from Brooklyn? Are we talking about the same city where the greatest hip-hop orators walk the streets? For the most part, The Bruknahm Project is middle of the road, but their free improv jazz styling does show glimmers of promise.
(Knitting Factory)Bruknahm Project
Bruknahm Project
BY I. KhiderPublished Mar 1, 2002