In terms of classifying this group of improvisers, the term "shaggy dog is the first that leaps to mind. Slapping together two Boredoms members and an ex-Reynols survivor is a sure way to destabilize any musical economy. Opening with a shattered window of guitar exploration by Courtis and Yamamoto, the second track steps away from the wreckage and lets Yoshimi concentrate on vocal looping and a toy factory of percussive hints. The last and longest takes all the elements the explosive guitars, wavering key lines and testifying vocals and lets them ebb and fly. There is a patience that translates to a kind of winding-up of energy between outbursts but even that isnt exactly subtle. At the height of efficacy, the trio are not unlike the jack-in-the-box you can feel coiled and waiting. But youre still knocked back by the sudden pop out.
(Public Eyesore)Anla Courtis / Seiichi Yamamoto / Yoshimi
Live at Kanadian
BY Eric HillPublished Nov 5, 2008