A Conservative MP Just Released the Worst Rap Diss Track of All Time

Justin Trudeau has arguably won this rap feud already, simply by not responding

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jun 27, 2022

Getting a message across in this terse social climate is an uphill battle, and Conservative MP Ryan Williams — representing Ontario's Bay of Quinte district — has resorted to the lowest of all political tactics: releasing a rap diss track.

Williams brings huge "How do you do, fellow kids" energy to "JUSTINFLATION," an embarrassing parody of viral TikTok track "Jiggle Jiggle" by Duke & Jones and Louis Theroux. Williams's version is about, you guessed it, Justin Trudeau and inflation. And that level of imagination is maintained throughout, with the politician proclaiming, "Inflation makes you wiggle wiggle" — a line that kind of makes inflation sound like a good thing.

From there, Williams's meek, off-tempo rapping addresses inflation and doesn't offer much of an argument beyond "oil = good, carbon tax = bad."

Adding to the intense cringe is the accompanying video, in which Williams walks from the waterfront of his district to parliament with the confidence level of someone rolling up to their first Toastmasters meeting. C'mon Ryan, at least pretend to be having fun!

Watch Williams's incredible self-own below.

In his defence, the bar for rhythmic CanCon disses was set pretty high last year when the No Frills Supermarket chain went bananas in a rap beef with Jimmy Fallon.

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