Despite widespread disappointment with this year's Ghost in the Shell, producers still seem super keen on live-action adaptations of anime classics. An Akira film is in the works, and Netflix is planning to deliver their live remake of Death Note later this year. Now, it looks like Cowboy Bebop is in the running for a real-life remake.
As Variety reports, the new version of the show will be executive produced by Sunset Inc., the same company responsible for the original anime.
The adaptation will be written by Chris Yost, who previously worked on the Thor movies.
A network for the series has not been solidified just yet. The original Cowboy Bebop anime aired on Adult Swim and was followed by the release of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie in 2001.
As Variety reports, the new version of the show will be executive produced by Sunset Inc., the same company responsible for the original anime.
The adaptation will be written by Chris Yost, who previously worked on the Thor movies.
A network for the series has not been solidified just yet. The original Cowboy Bebop anime aired on Adult Swim and was followed by the release of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie in 2001.