Canadian Actress Samantha Weinstein Dead at 28

The 'Carrie' star died after a two-year battle with cancer

BY Ben OkazawaPublished May 25, 2023

Toronto-born actress Samantha Weinstein has died at 28 following a long battle with a rare form of ovarian cancer.

Her family shared the news in an Instagram post on May 15, announcing that the performer best known for her prominent role in the 2013 Carrie remake had died in the hospital. 

They wrote:

Sam died on May 14th at 11:25am surrounded by her loved ones at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. After two and a half years of cancer treatment, and a lifetime of jet setting around the world, voicing a plethora of cartoon animals, making music, and knowing more about life than most people ever will, she is off on her next adventure.

Weinstein was involved in the Toronto music community as well, playing guitar and singing for local punk outfit Killer Virgins. She revealed in an essay she published about her battle with cancer that the band was set to release their first single when she received her diagnosis. She also shared an incredibly positive outlook on her situation in the essay.

"The worst things in the world can turn out to be incredible blessings wrapped in sandpaper. Getting cancer is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but in the strangest of ways it has also been the best thing," she penned. "I have more love in my life and for myself than I ever could have imagined, and I see every day as a gift."


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