Sledgehammer Holocaust
PUBLISHED Nov 17, 2008
Winnipeg, MBs purveyors of prairie gore are back with a full-length thats going to prove once and for all these guys mean business. Sure,...
Putrescences Mike Alexander
PUBLISHED Oct 31, 2008
Having already titled albums Dawn of the Necrofecalizer, Fatal White Pustules upon Septic Organs, and a personal fave, Mangled, Hollowed Ou...
Fatal White Pustules upon Septic Organs
PUBLISHED Nov 19, 2007
It doesnt really matter that of these 15 grotesque gore-grind tunes from Winnipegs Putrescence four are live and one is an old, unrelease...
Mangled, Hollowed Out and Vomit Filled
PUBLISHED Dec 1, 2004
Good gore-grind from Canada is a rarity, and Winnipegs Putresence are here to fill that void. Like most great gore acts, Putresences tune...