Portishead Talk Fourth Album, Label Options
PUBLISHED Dec 16, 2008
Portishead have leaked some more details about their post-Third plans, saying the trip-hoppers plan to "plough onto" their next record and...
Portishead Talk Another New Record, Side Projects
PUBLISHED Jun 9, 2008
Portishead may have taken a good ten years to follow up their last album with Third, but it appears we wont have to wait long for their fo...
PUBLISHED Apr 28, 2008
Highly anticipated and 11 years in the making, the aptly titled Third is a beautiful and accomplished album either compared to its predeces...
Portishead Annoyed By Prince At Coachella
PUBLISHED Apr 25, 2008
As Coachella kicks off this weekend in California, security may have to pay extra close attention, not so much in the crowd but backstage....
Portishead to Stream New Album Online
PUBLISHED Apr 17, 2008
Bristol, UKs Portishead have announced they will be streaming their much-ballyhooed new album, Third, for free prior to its release on Apr...
Portishead Offer Special Box Set Edition of New Album
PUBLISHED Mar 18, 2008
Say what you will about Radioheads "innovative marketing approach to In Rainbows, but since the albums release, some pretty big-name act...
Portishead Describe Making New Album As "Hellish"
PUBLISHED Mar 14, 2008
If you are wondering why it has taken Portishead 11 years to release record number three, it might be because making number two was "hellis...
Portishead Weighs In On Radiohead's "Free Album"
PUBLISHED Oct 12, 2007
Portishead's Geoff Barrow has complained about Radiohead's "free" album, In Rainbows, which was released exclusively via the Internet on Oc...