Danzig Unimpressed by <i>Henry & Glenn Forever</i> Comic
PUBLISHED Jul 15, 2010
Nearly ever publication (including ours) asked just one question when they first saw Henry & Glenn Forever, the collection of zines that po...
Glenn Danzig Sued for "Recklessly" Rear-Ending Driver
PUBLISHED Jun 29, 2010

Blues metal icon/Evil Elvis Glenn Danzig is back in the headlines, and it's not because of his new album. It's because his driving...
Glenn Danzig
Legacy of Brutality
PUBLISHED May 22, 2010
Of all the ways to describe Glenn Danzig, looking over his career, the one that sticks out most is "self-made man." It doesn't usually come...
Danzig Returns with First Studio Album in Six Years
PUBLISHED Apr 1, 2010
Not too long ago, we reported how blues metal guru Glenn Danzig had finally announced that a follow-up to 2004 full-length Circle of Snakes...
Danzig Titles New Album, Um, <i>Deth Red Sabaoth</i>
PUBLISHED Feb 25, 2010
Here's an idea to help give a career a bit of a boost: release an album with a completely incomprehensible and unmemorable title. At least...
Danzig Readies Comic/Lyrics Book, Announces Festival Headlining Gig
PUBLISHED Aug 31, 2009
We know it's tough for Danzig fans to let the light shine on those blackened hearts, but we've got some news that's guaranteed to make you...
Danzig Goes Into the Studio, Has Lyrics Illustrated
PUBLISHED May 4, 2009
Working even harder at erasing the memory of Danzig V: Blackacidevil - yes, we know that was, like, 13 years ago but it still hurts - singe...
Danzig's House Has A MySpace Page!
PUBLISHED Aug 14, 2008
It seems as though everyone and everything has a MySpace page these days. Your band, your mom, your cat, your high school math teacher and...