Articles by Greg Pratt
PUBLISHED Feb 19, 2008
Oh, Jeff Waters, how we always have high hopes for you. You are one of the masters of Canuck thrash, and a guitar wiz to boot. But, man, yo...
Landmine Marathon / Scarecrow
Landmine Marathon / Scarecrow
PUBLISHED Feb 19, 2008
Arizonas Landmine Marathons three songs on this split were growers while at first the lack of hooks and relentlessly screamed vocals we...
Live Progression
PUBLISHED Feb 19, 2008
Live albums in general are useless. And while Im not entirely sold that we needed a live disc from Quebec technical thrashers Neuraxis, th...
Nyia / Antigama
PUBLISHED Feb 19, 2008
All hail Poland, where extreme experimental metal is alive and well, as this 16-minute split CD proves. Heck, this could have been a four-m...
Into Abaddon
PUBLISHED Feb 19, 2008
Its easy to get jaded on trends, especially when said trend has been given the moniker of "hipster metal. Yuck. But Saviours have the cho...
Lizzy Borden
Appointment with Death
PUBLISHED Jan 26, 2008
Its funny: I was excited when this latest from 80s U.S. shock/glam/trad metallers Lizzy Borden showed up, then it took me a month to get...
Customized Warfare
PUBLISHED Jan 26, 2008
Im not sure if having members of the almighty Knut in your band, as well as lesser-known Swiss bands like Deceit, Nostromo and Stumpfucker...
Envoy of Lucifer
PUBLISHED Jan 26, 2008
Now this is how black metal should be done raw enough that theres feeling but not so raw that it all becomes a mess. With hints of thras...