Articles by Chris Gramlich
Never Give In
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 1999
One of the best tribute albums to emerge in quite sometime, Never Give In is a testimony (and tribute) to the legacy, influence and wide-re...
Hell at Last
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 1999
This four-song seven-inch by Toronto’s Legion is a testament to the influence of old metal (Celtic Frost, Haunting the Chapel-era Sla...
Mr. Bungle
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 1999
One of the most confusing, entertaining and generally challenging bands in the world has made a record even stranger than either of their f...
Divsion of Labor
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 1999
With their last release, A Sense of Coalition, Codeseven established themselves as a competent metalcore act, with hints of underlying melo...
Day of Mourning/Red Sky
A Move Towards Ascension ~ Forsaking Redemption
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 1999
As the split CD gains popularity, it isn’t that surprising to see more and more like minded, but musically different, bands employing...
Judas Factor
Ballads in Blue China
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 1999
Possessing one the most intriguing album titles and striking band names to emerge in some time, the Judas Factor are one incredibly vicious...
Kiss It Goodbye
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 1999
This posthumous release by hardcore/noise/metal greats Kiss it Goodbye was originally slated for a seven-inch release on Sub Pop; it never...
Racetraitor/Burn It Down
Make Them Talk
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 1999
Trustkill has released a damn fine split, with the guilty parties being Racetraitor and Burn it Down. Racetraitor kick off Make Them Talk w...