UK Government Plans to Investigate Artists' Pay

A working group made up of music industry experts will investigate to ensure fair pay for artists

BY Emilie Richardson-DupuisPublished Jun 6, 2023

As Snoop Dogg recently reiterated, streaming services like Spotify have changed the nature of the music industry, resulting in artists not getting adequately compensated.

In response to this contentious issue, the UK Government has taken steps to form a working group to investigate the issue of fair pay for artists. This follows a recommendation made by the Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) Committee earlier in the year. 

The working group will consist of experts from the music industry and will primarily focus on examining the payment practices of streaming platforms.

"The creation of a working group we have been calling for is a welcome step towards addressing the frustrations of musicians and songwriters whose pay falls far short of a fair level given their central role in the success of the music streaming industry," said Dame Caroline Dinenage MP, chair of the CMS Committee [via The Quietus].

"The Government must now make sure the group is more than a talking shop and leads to concrete change so the talented creators and performers we have in this country are properly rewarded for their creativity," she added.

The CMS Committee will closely monitor the progress of the working group and broaden their investigation to encompass remuneration for artists and creators in the creative industries as a whole. This development comes after a parliamentary inquiry in 2021 concluded that the existing music streaming system requires a "complete reset" to achieve fairer payment practices and proposed a 50/50 split of streaming royalties between record labels and artists.


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