Songkick Looks To Change Your Concert Calendar

BY Adam BemmaPublished Mar 18, 2008

There’s a revolutionary new way to find out about gigs online these days.

UK-based Songkick is a concert listings website that launched in October 2007. Its objective is to team artists and fans together in a way to chart their progress by tracking ticket sales on 14 different sites and keeping an eye on the blogosphere for special mention. also offers a handy database called Battle of the Bands, which launched last week and works as a comparison search engine. Instead of using websites though, it tracks bands or artists with 50 or more "friends” on MySpace as well as Amazon sales stats to rank and compare with your other favourite groups.

Although its only offered in the U.S. and UK for the time being, it may not be long before Canadian music fans get to check out this Y Combinator site. Especially now that they’re working on improving Songkick’s web presence with new, exciting products in the works.

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