Nardwuar the Human Serviette

vs. Wiz Khalifa

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Nov 20, 2012

Wild and wacky West Coast journalist Nardwuar has been on a hip-hop streak the last few years and has roped in countless celebrity rap figures to speak with them about the most obscure tidbits of their lives. Up next in the reporter's ongoing rap series is a talk with Wiz Khalifa, who got together with the Nard when he passed through Vancouver earlier this month.

Throughout the convo, Nardwuar of course bestows the Rolling Papers rapper with a ton of gifts, including that Cheech & Chong LP packaged with the giant rolling paper and a marijuana-themed album from David Peel and the Lower East Side. He then digs deep into the Wiz's back story, from when the MC first started listening to Snoop at the age of six, to looking up rap lyrics at the Homewood Library.

You can check out the chat down below.

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