Mount Eerie Shares Unreleased Soundtrack

BY Alex HudsonPublished Feb 18, 2013

As if releasing two LPs in 2012 wasn't already enough, Mount Eerie songwriter Phil Elverum has dug into his personal archives and uncovered a soundtrack for a little-seen short film called The Last Hit.

On Bandcamp, Elverum explains that the score was created in late 2005 for a Canadian film called The Last Hit. He notes that the film was likely screened at festivals, but was never officially released.

Elverum's soundtrack consists of nine instrumental tracks of improvised organ and electric guitar. There aren't any traditionally structured songs, but the atmospheric drones are compellingly dark.

The composer's note says that the film "was made by a man from Ontario whose name is Chris. (Last name forgotten, no records of correspondence available, no copy of the film retained.) The movie was black and white. It was about a few people wandering lost in the woods on a failed 'hit' job (like, a murder), lost and hungry, occasionally seeing dramatic landscapes. There is an obvious inspiration taken from Dead Man and this soundtrack embraces that."

A quick Google search uncovers a trailer for The Last Hit posted to YouTube in early 2006 by a user named chrishobs. Check out the trailer below, along with the entire soundtrack.

Elverum notes that the soundtrack has never been released in physical form, but you can download it for $7 from Bandcamp. There's no word as to whether the film has or will ever been officially released.

The Last Hit (Soundtrack):

1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
7. VII
9. IX

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