Lions in the Street Offer Up "Pay-What-You-Like" EP

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Jan 22, 2009

As Lions in the Street put the finishing touches on their debut full-length, the Vancouverites have decided to help tide fans over with a new pay-what-you-want teaser EP. Over at the band's website, you can now get your paws on the freshly assembled Mixtape EP, which comes boasting five tracks, some new, some old and all packed full of retro rock goodness.

Like all pay-what-you-want deals, you obviously don't part with any of your credit-crunched cash to get this release, but if you're so inclined, Lions in the Street urge you to "throw a coin in the busker's hat," as they put it, by way of a PayPal donation.

Along with the EP, which features a few songs recorded for TVT Records before the label went bust, the band's new track "Moving Along" is streaming over on their MySpace page. The song marks the first taste of Lions in the Street's forthcoming debut album, which they recently finished recording with engineer/producer Shawn Cole (You Say Party! We Say Die!, Bend Sinister) at Vancouver's Mushroom Studios.

The band say of their album: "This is some seriously top shelf rock and roll: our signature throw-down blues rockers, gospel ballads, freak-out jams, and even some Felice and Boudleaux Bryant-ish country.

"This album took blood, sweat and years."

Lions in the Street are aiming for a spring release for the record, but no title, tracklisting or firm date have been set at this point. In the meantime, though, here's the tracklisting for the Mixtape EP:

1. "Shangri-La"
2. "Still The Same"
3. "Oh Carolina"
4. "Ruthless"
5. "Never Make A Fool Of Me"

Lions in the Street "Lady Blue"

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