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Jurassic 5 Pack It In

BY Cam LindsayPublished Mar 22, 2007

After 14 years and four full-length albums, celebrated hip-hop collective Jurassic 5 have decided to call it quits. According to Zaakir aka Soup, members — who expressed their uncertainty last year after the somewhat disappointing album Feedback was released in July — no longer share the amicable partnership that founded the group back in 1993.

"After the tour, that’s basically it,” Soup said in a statement. "I don't want to sit here and fake around with it — we’re not seeing eye to eye right now. People see us a harmonising, loving group, but that’s far from the truth.”

Though he didn’t point fingers, Soup hinted that a member’s decision to pursue a solo career was the final straw. "Some people here want their own shrine, their own thing. If that’s what you want, I say more power to you. I hope it works out for you — just don't come up with lame excuses.”

Before going their separate ways, however, J5 will finish off their scheduled Australian and Japanese tours.

Perhaps this is the real reason why they couldn’t "Work It Out.”

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