Jonathan Mann

"Who the Hell Is Arcade Fire?"

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Feb 16, 2011

Last Sunday (February 13), Montreal's Arcade Fire picked up the Grammy for Album of the Year. While they certainly celebrated, a number of people took to Twitter to show their disgust. Not because they necessarily thought The Suburbs was a bad album, more so because they had never even heard of the band. The tweets were later compiled on the Tumblr account Who Is Arcade Fire??!!? and have become comedy fodder.

Jonathan Mann, a guy who has apparently been recording a song a day for over two years, took some of his favourite slags form the site and put them to music for his new tune, "Who the Hell Is Arcade Fire?"

Mann taps into the hilarity of how serious people are, offering up a simple, sorrowful acoustic melody with lyrical gems like, "Grammys have something against famous people." Mid-song, Mann explains that Arcade Fire are a band from Montreal that have sold-out Madison Square Garden. He then croons that we should open our hearts to their indie rock stylings. And then he plays the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are.

It's pretty dumb, but par for the course on this whole "controversy." Check it out below.

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