Hackers Reportedly Steal Data from Millions of Ticketmaster Accounts

Shinyhunters want to sell 1.3 terabytes of user data for $500,000

BY Sydney BrasilPublished May 30, 2024

An alleged 560 million Ticketmaster users have had their personal data stolen, according to a hacker group attempting to sell the information.

ShinyHunters — a self-described "black-hat criminal hacker group" — claims to have stolen contact information, usernames and order information, as well as partial payment details, including expiration dates and the last four digits of users' credit cards. This data is said to amount to 1.3 terabytes, according to Hackread. ShinyHunters is offering to sell the entirety of this information for $500,000 USD.

Neither Ticketmaster nor Live Nation — the service's parent company — have commented on the supposed hack as of yet, as per Billboard. However, Australia's Department of Home Affairs was made aware of a data leak that may affect millions of the ticket giant's global users.

This alleged hack follows the US Department of Justice calling for Ticketmaster and Live Nation to break their merger, due to a lawsuit claiming the duo illegally hold a monopoly in live entertainment.

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