Favourite Pop & Rock Album of the Year

Readers Poll Results 2005

BY None NonePublished Feb 1, 2006

Pop & Rock
Readers Poll Results 2005

Sufjan Stevens
Illinois (Asthmatic Kitty)
"Stevens is reaching new plateaus of musical ability. The arrangements are intricate, his voice is impeccable — the songs are flawless. This album draws you in to his own personal Illinois." James Brotheridge, Regina SK

"He writes songs that are disturbing, sad and emotional yet uplifting. Like masturbating in a mirror." Craig Martell, Halifax NS

"50 states, 50 albums! If they're all as good as this one, this will be a helluva chunk of good music." Donna Lowe, Brandon MB

"This album is amazing. From the first song to the 22nd it is flawless. In my opinion, the best record from the 21 century so far." Kalle Wainio, Sault Ste. Marie ON

"I still don't know what to think, but I can't get the melodies out of my head. How does a person begin to write a song like ‘John Wayne Gacy'?" Iain McOustra, Toronto ON

"Specific experiences yield universal feelings. Does this album fail to capture the range of emotions felt in any city?" Paul Pybus, Saskatoon SK

"There were too many albums this year that blew my mind but Sufjan was a breakout smash for me for two reasons: the ambition and enthusiasm put towards this album (and his whole United States plan) is refreshing and invigorating and I'm not saying that Christian music is now my genre of choice, but the way in which Stevens infuses his music with spirituality was not overwhelmingly preachy or didactic." Neil Hinchley, Toronto ON

"Wow! Classically composed pop rock goodness by the master. Very ambitious and educational. Finally, I learn some nice things about the U.S. in music!" Matthew Nash, Stoney Creek ON

"A beautifully crafted album that is at once mesmerising and obvious, complex and simple, catchy and alienating. Not as important as his previous albums in my humble opinion, but it has 99 percent more guts than any album out there." Colin Zavitz, Toronto ON

"This is an album, not just a bunch of songs clumped together. I just really, really love this album. It is absolutely beautiful." Caitlin Waugh, London ON

"This album has it all — from triumphant anthems to hushed, simple odes full of sadness to the some of sunniest pop music around." Roddy Midmore, Vancouver BC

"A beautiful work of art... I haven't had an album break my heart and soothe my soul at the same time for a long time." Wayne Paquette, Edmonton AB

2. Broken Social Scene
Broken Social Scene(Arts & Crafts)
"It's actually as good, if not better than You Forgot It in People." Leo Lam, Toronto ON

"An explosion of post-modernism through huge landscapes. The album is perhaps one of the most underrated of the year." John Isip, North York ON

"They delivered the goods with an album that experimented with our ears. If You Forgot was really innovative, it is not half as daring as BSS."
Alain Pelchat, Guelph ON

"I love this record. Every time I come back to it I find something new. The songs are great; they sound unique. It's one of the few records I've heard all year that keeps impressing me every time I come back to it." Stephen Vetsis, Hamilton ON

"Because they initially scared everyone by not doing what was expected, and because they did it really well." Steven Dalrymple, Ottawa ON

"What other band in this genre could pull off having both Feist and K-OS on the same track? 'Nuff said." Jess Lemay, Calgary AB

"Chaotic yet pre-emptive, this is music that gives me chills when I am sober, but acutely threatens my sense of safety when I'm high. A million voices and a million statements beautifully transmitted to any listener willing to hear. This is an illogical masterpiece, a miraculous capture." Joshua Slade, Fredericton NB

"A bawdy, tawdry, confused, unnecessary, bacchanalian, dense, frustrating and overachieving slacker nightmare of a glorious mess." Bud Fritz, Montreal QC

"The band had a lot riding on this album, primarily the expectation of having to follow up a massive hit like YFIIP. They've added to the roster and in result, have built up their sound into something that's so much more." Vivian Yu, Newmarket ON

"Simply brilliant. The best dance/rock/punk/electronic/everything album of the year. A bloody mess, yet it still retains its brilliance." Andrew Wilson, London ON

"One of the most interesting bands to listen to, I never get bored of them and they seem to get better all the time." Luc Lavoie, South Porcupine ON

"Sure, it meanders and they could have employed an editor for some of their tracks, but if the defining quality of the best pop/rock album is the one you listened to and enjoyed the most this year, then this one gets the prize." Matt Capel, Waterloo ON

"Amazing songs and very original, experimental production. Well done on BSS's follow-up to the amazing You Forgot it in People. The most anticipated album of the year and the most redeeming." Landon Halloran, Ladysmith BC

"It's a right proper mess, but a glorious one, and exactly what they should have done." Tyson McShane, Saskatoon SK

"An absolute mess, but one of the most beautiful messes I have ever heard. Simply brilliant. Hopefully they can keep the magic going on subsequent releases and keep the wonderful cast of characters they have accrued to date. Love what each person brings to the table." Ryan Montemurro, Calgary AB

"They could have just tried to recreate You Forgot It in People. Instead they came back bigger, busier and better." Brian Cochrane, Saskatoon SK

3. Wolf Parade
Apologies to the Queen Mary(Sub Pop)
"This album was it: great music, tons of attitude and a Montreal product." Andre LeBlanc, Outremont QC

"The backlash was almost pre-packaged, given Wolf Parade's Modest Mouse and Arcade Fire connections. That it never really took hold is a testament to the fact that the only songs better than the ones here were the ones on the band's own EPs." Matthew Pollesel, Ottawa ON

"Amazingly, it lived up to the hype, and if I'm not mistaken the title comes from a drunken binge that they were on. What's more Canadian than that?" Chris Cook, Ottawa ON

"The best release of the year, hands down. Each song is different from the next and the usage of two lead singers is pulled off particularly well." Kaley Evans, Saltcoats SK

"From the first drum beat to the last second of feedback, a powerful debut album filled with ghosts of the past, love of the present and a hope for the future." Daniel Cichon, Mississauga ON

"Hands down, the most interesting indie album of the year." Andrew Campbell, Bradford ON

"This band will go so far because their music is so thorough and different from what we usually hear! I hope they will bring us something soon to make sure we won't forget them." Simon St-Pierre, Montreal QC

"When you first hear Wolf Parade, you feel compelled to compare them to another band. You could easily miss how good they sound while lost in thought. The closest thing I can compare them to is the sound of a good chugging rock band playing in your living room while the guy next door plays his Clinic albums too loud. The best new band you'll hear of before you hear them for yourself." Ryan Smith, Chester NS

"An all around good album; differing songwriting splits it up a bit, but a general cohesion of likeness and sound keeps it together. Not to mention the plainly well-written songs." Tim Gilbertson, Hinton AB

"Simply outclasses every other record this year." Simon Lefebvre, Quebec City QC

4. Bloc Party
Silent Alarm(Vice)
"Exactly what we needed in 2005." Jon Lyne, Calgary AB

"The Franz Ferdinand of 2005. They had hipsters jammin' on every dance floor." Kortnee Borden, Toronto ON

"A catchy, delightful voice and an incredible live act." Catrina Jaricot, Maple ON

"Damn, that's some catchy shit!" Matt Weed, Toronto ON

"Are they overplayed? Played out? Have I moved up and on? No. Despite Bloc Party being on every magazine and on every set of headphones as I walk down the street, they are able to live up to the hype. They are talented, make danceable music without being pretentious, and look cute while doing it. So yeah, they're still playing in my headphones and in my household, and I don't mind one bit." Amanda Sist, Barrie ON

"Too good to be true!" Matthew Vlahovich, Ottawa ON

"This album completely blew me away. I actually tried to find more material the day after I purchased it. And the remix album is just as good." Will McMillan, Kitchener ON

"This band just stepped it up from the rest. Bloc Party managed to create a solid record full of energy from start to finish. You won't find any filler in this one. Silent Alarm is the best record I picked up in 2005." Shaun Andre, Cornwall ON

"Solid from front to back, and impossible not to move your ass to." Eric Rumble, Canmore BC

"One of the few bands to truly deserve the hype and one of the best debut albums of all time." Scott Sparling, Chatham ON

5. The New Pornographers
Twin Cinema(Mint)
"Twin Cinema is a masterpiece and easily gets my vote for best album of the year. It is so good that its level of goodness exceeds the level of goodness of both of their other albums combined. I hope that makes sense. I also hope it adequately expresses how much I love this record. This band can sing me Spanish techno over and over and over again until the day I die." Ryan Slade, Waterloo ON
"Great group of songs that don't bore." Jason Birch, New Westminster BC

"Good, poppy excellence." Lindsay Hinrichsen, Burnaby BC

"Makes me want to dance!" Colin Powles, Edmonton AB

"Power pop is my favourite genre and the Pornos are probably the best band in the game today." Cody Hicks, Montreal QC

"I listened to Twin Cinema several times a day in the first week of its release. Like all my favourite music, most of the songs didn't hit me instantly, but revealed themselves after a few listens. And then, I couldn't get them out of my head. Song of the year: ‘Sing Me Spanish Techno.' Brilliant pop from a Canadian band in a year when many Canadian bands released stellar pop records." David Roberts, Victoria BC

"While a late entry into the candidate pool, I feel like I've known this album for years. Insanely well-crafted songs I love playing over and over. I've never been so proud to own some New Porn." Chris Perlman, Waterloo ON

"A perfect album." Eric Anderson, Saskatoon SK

"Because the New Pornographers, for me, are the epitome of what great pop music is. A.C. Newman and Dan Bejar are masters of songwriting." Bryna Sclater, Kingston ON

"Like a fine wine, it keeps getting better with age." Rudy Benedik, Vernon BC

"Simply the best pop songs recorded this year." Ryan Pollard, Saskatoon SK

"A gorgeous pop record from start to finish, with an abundance of melody and harmony." Charley Misner, Oshawa ON

"Even better than Mass Romantic. Carl Newman's songwriting reaches new levels of sophistication." Ryan Swift, Dorval QC

6. Spoon
Gimme Fiction(Merge)
"Gets better with every listen." Caleb Grauman, Red Deer AB

"Simple, tasty melodies. A truly great band." Trell Huether, Toronto ON

"Britt Daniel continues to impress." Bruce Urquhart, Woodstock ON

"Not only does viciously hip ‘me' still listen to this album months after release, but so do my viciously un-hip friends. It's great to be able to describe an album I adore as plain old rock'n'roll." Andrew Fifield, Vancouver BC

"This band can do no wrong." Christina Cheung, Mississauga ON

"I like the sound — it's a bit different from the same old. They've really got an upper edge on other bands in terms of lyrics and musical style." Omar Brooks, Toronto ON

"Deceptively simple, with hooks that sink in deep. Britt Daniels has developed into the sexiest vocalist of this generation." Judy MacInnes, Vancouver BC

"Incredibly listenable. The perfectly captured rock'n'roll album that doesn't sound aged or passé. Fantastic." Max Turnbull, Toronto ON

"The concept of song craft finally comes to indie rock! I swear David Bowie could have written half those songs in 1974." Grant Horwood, Calgary AB

"Tight, restrained, measured, mature and rockin'." Neil Butler, St. John's NL

"Gimme Fiction is a masterpiece. Britt Daniels is the man." William Chorm, Kamloops BC

7. Sleater-Kinney
The Woods(Sub Pop)
"This is a big step forward for this Oregon trio's seventh LP. Janet Weiss bludgeons her kit like a woman possessed and proves to be a premier female rock drummer in the process. The vicious licks laid down by Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker are as punchy as anything I've heard them come up with, approaching something like Jack White if Jack White fell in love with the Experience instead of his johnson. Everything says this album deserves to be successful." Alan Ranta, Vancouver BC
"I discovered those girls because I was going to the Pearl Jam concert in Ottawa last September and I wanted to know what the opening band sounded like. I was charmed at the first song!" Mathieu Poirier, Montréal QC

"Good guitar tones, top-notch drumming, and wicked vocals" Victoria On, Vancouver BC

"Best album of 2005, hands down! The ladies of Sleater-Kinney reinforce my faith in rock'n'roll. The album's opening guitar howl and the ensuing musical rollercoaster they navigate still makes my hair stand on end, after countless listenings." Kristen Rutherford, Saskatoon SK

"One of the best guitar-driven rock records by a band in years." Devon Smither, St. Albert AB

"Their most amazing album." Lindsay Hinrichsen, Burnaby BC

"A band who were legends in their own right change course and make one of the best albums of the year. Amazing record." Iain McOustra, Toronto ON

8. Metric
Live It Out(Last Gang)
"All of the Metric qualities are still alive: Emily Haines's sexy vocals, lyrics that make you think, and songs that make you shake your ass. A great departure for this excellent band!" Zaheen Karim, Ottawa ON

"I think they look awesome live, and I like their second album as much as their first from 2003." Thao Tran, Ottawa ON

"Long awaited! This album delivers all that we've been waiting for. Maybe not as dance-oriented as Old World Underground, the songs are beautifully crafted, as is Emily Haines's delivery of such pointed lyrics. I can't seem to stop reaching for this album almost daily." Samantha Everts, Ottawa ON

"A simple, energetic and fun album. Pop/rock covers such a broad spectrum and it's hard to pick, but this one really stood out for me." Matthew Wiebe, Saskatoon SK

"I love their new album; they've really improved since their last album." Linda Willison, Thornhill ON

"The artwork on the sleeve sucks but musically the stripped-clean sound and Emily's voice is mixed perfectly." Gregg Steffensen, Vancouver BC

"Metric wear their '90s American indie rock heart on their sleeve, summoning the great spirits of Belly, the Breeders and Throwing Muses to create a sonic masterpiece for our times." Alan Wong, Montreal QC

9. Constantines
Tournament of Hearts(Three Gut)
"They continue to blow my mind with brilliant subtleties and albums that get better with each listen. Wearing all the right influences on their sleeves." Steve Bennett, London ON

"So this album has been getting flack in almost every review I've read about it, but yet, it's one of my favourite albums of the year, and I feel it needs some defending. Sure, it's a little more laidback than Shine a Light, but I'm sure there's less tension in the lives of the five Constantines. Maybe they were tired of the ever-popular Fugazi comparisons. Tournament of Hearts is an amazing album that only gets better with multiple listens." Harris Leach, Thunder Bay, ON

"Expands their sound but preserves the power!" Sean Moore, Camrose BC

"I've read some pretty negative reviews of this album, but I think they're bollocks. Constantines have crafted a beautiful piece of work here, and ‘Soon Enough' is easily the Canadian song of the year." David Drysdale, Prince George BC

"Tournament of Hearts brings warm feelings of familiarity. Bry's rasp is ever-present and their clean rock anthems give you hope for the everyday." Jordan-na Belle-Isle, Montreal QC

"Constantines are the best band ever. They're powerful, tight and know what's going on. This album was in no way disappointing; it's a perfect follow up to Shine a Light. I'm pretty sure ‘Hotline Operator' is the best song ever." Michelle Williams, Montreal QC

"Just because it's not better than their last two albums doesn't mean it's not good. In fact, it's very good!" Adam Medley, Oshawa ON

10. Franz Ferdinand
You Could Have It So Much Better… (Domino)

"I have listened to it about 30 times and it still gives me goosebumps." George Mallia, Toronto ON

"Every song just makes me want to rock. I didn't think it could get much better from their first album... but it did! I'm thankful none of my friends put me on any of those stupid hidden camera shows while I listen to it in my car, because I fully rock out to it." Candace Musgrove, Beausejour MB

"Better than the first, which is crazy!" Michael Piercey, Vancouver BC

"Such an excellent album! A great band to enter the pop scene. A+."
Joseph Browman, Vancouver BC

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