Crap Your Pants

"Like Water For Chocolate”

BY Cam LindsayPublished Apr 5, 2007

I’ll admit it, the initial attraction is their name. How could anyone not be even the slightest bit curious about such an uncouth moniker? Ever since I saw them listed as performers at last year’s Pop Montreal my intrigue has only grown stronger. Unfortunately they’re quite the riddle, leaving nothing but a photograph and the info that they are in fact, unsigned for the time being, on their MySpace site. As for their sound, Crap Your Pants make dollar store hip-hop that is a little crappy, but in only the actual production. Look past the hazardous, speaker damaging bass, the off-key vocals/rhymes and instrumental tomfoolery and there’s an amusing track that’ll have lo-fi aficionados praising the "duo” for their minimal effort and slapdash execution. (Let’s not forget the patience-testing, never-ending keyboard loop that closes the last five minutes or so.) Oops, I crapped my pants…
Crap Your Pants "Like Water For Chocolate"

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