Belgian producer Arne Van Petegem, who is most famously known as Styrofoam, recently launched a new disco-oriented project with singer Chantal Acda called Coho Lips. Taking their name from the shock jock who caused the infamous "Disco Demolition Night" riot in 1979 and drawing inspiration from avant-garde dance/pop hero Arthur Russell, the duo released their self-titled debut EP late last month care of Portland label Circle Into Square and have now revealed a new video in support of the mini-effort.
Following up the similarly styled "Broken, Every Record" video, the clip for "Benin Shuffle" feels as if it's in slow motion. Shot by Van Petegem himself, it consists a single video camera peering out at the statue of liberty from a far away boat, the images filtered through a lens of dirt and bird crap stuck to the window.
It's a rather woozy, ethereal visual for the otherwise snappy electro-pop track, leaving the viewer with a feeling of longing for an alternate present rather than nostalgia.
Watch the video below.
Following up the similarly styled "Broken, Every Record" video, the clip for "Benin Shuffle" feels as if it's in slow motion. Shot by Van Petegem himself, it consists a single video camera peering out at the statue of liberty from a far away boat, the images filtered through a lens of dirt and bird crap stuck to the window.
It's a rather woozy, ethereal visual for the otherwise snappy electro-pop track, leaving the viewer with a feeling of longing for an alternate present rather than nostalgia.
Watch the video below.