Ratos De Porao
Ratos De Porao
Ratos De Porao
PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2003
The Ratos have been playing heavy duty hardcore for the better part of 20 years now. This Brazilian band knows how to get the blood pumping...
Ratos De Porao
Guerra Civil Canibal
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2002
Nothing beats a hefty dose of Brazilian power-violence. This eight song EP gives you a short and brutal taste of this quartet, whose name m...
Ratos De Porao
Sistemados Pelo Crucifa
PUBLISHED Dec 1, 2000
I'm not exactly sure how popular Brazil's RDP are, hence I don't know about the demand or necessity for this album, which is a re-recorded...
Ratos De Porao
Carniceria Tropical
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 1999
This longest standing Brazilian extreme music band is back, not with a half-assed, limp-wristed effort, but with an absolutely barn-burning...