Bad Tits
Bad Tits
"Street Walker" / "No Skin" (Live at XM Studios)
PUBLISHED Jan 28, 2011
Last year, Josh Reichmann and Sebastien Grainger's Bad Tits project gave us the Garbage Night EP, which we said was "more cerebral than any...
Bad Tits
"No Skin" (video)
PUBLISHED Sep 2, 2010
A new music video from Bad Tits (the duo made up of Sebastien Grainger and Josh Reichmann) is now up for viewing. The video, which was dire...
Bad Tits
Garbage Night
PUBLISHED Jul 13, 2010
In the wake of Toronto, ON dance punk outfit Death From Above 1979's break-up in 2006, the duo's "dance" member quickly settled into his el...
Bad Tits
"Bankok Hilton" (video)
PUBLISHED Apr 30, 2010
Bad Tits, the new band featuring Sebastien Grainger and Josh Reichmann, have released a music video for their song, "Bankok Hilton." The vi...
Sebastien Grainger + Josh Reichmann = Bad Tits
PUBLISHED Dec 28, 2009
Clearly, Sebastien Grainger and Josh Reichmann aren't comfortable with releasing music simply under their own names. Grainger was formerly...