Hexes & Ohs
Hexes & Ohs
Thank You
PUBLISHED May 28, 2012
High school sweethearts turned husband and wife indie-poppers Hexes and Ohs (that's Edmund Lam and Heidi Donnelly, to their parents) are lo...
Hexes & Ohs
NXNE, Toronto, ON June 17 to 21, 2009
PUBLISHED Jun 28, 2009
Don Henley doesn't get enough respect. Drumming and singing calls for an exigent fusion of melody and rhythm. Hexes and Ohs co-vocalist/dru...
Hexes & Ohs / Statue Park / My Dad vs. Yours
Casa del Popolo, Montreal QC - January 7
PUBLISHED Jan 1, 2006
Tucking themselves into the right-hand corner of the stage while a film no one seemed to be watching was projected on the left, Ottawa's My...