Electric Würms
Electric Würms
"Fixing a Hole" (Beatles cover)
PUBLISHED Aug 18, 2014
The latest side project of the Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne and Steven Drozd, Electric Würms are set to release their debut EP Musik, Die Shwe...
Electric Würms
PUBLISHED Aug 15, 2014
We've already gotten a taste of the dark, psychedelic sound of the Flaming Lips' side-project, Electric Würms, and now they've released ano...
Electric Würms
"The Bat"
PUBLISHED Aug 12, 2014
The Flaming Lips started Electric Würms as a prog-inclined side-project, but their newly released single "The Bat" doesn't sound too differ...
Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne and Steven Drozd Ready Album as Electric Würms
PUBLISHED Jun 10, 2014
Though the Flaming Lips have had no shortage of output as of late, that doesn't appear to be enough. Instead, the band's own Wayne Coyne an...