Clouds of Sils Maria
Olivier Assayas
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
On paper, Olivier Assayas' latest deconstruction of modern culture, Clouds of Sils Maria, appears facile. Maria Enders (Juliette Binoche) &...
Hector and the Search for Happiness
Directed by Peter Chelsom
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
My least favourite scene in Hector and the Search for Happiness has our man Hector drinking a beer in Africa while commenting on the high c...
Bennett Miller
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
On the surface, Bennett Miller's Foxcatcher is pure Oscar-bait. The formula: take a regularly Emmy-snubbed comedic actor (Steve Carell) and...
Maps to the Stars
David Cronenberg
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
Bland as they may be, the adjectives cold and cerebral are the best two to describe the late period films of David Cronenberg. Most recentl...
The Connection
Cédric Jimenez
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
Cédric Jimenez's The Connection is an ode to the frenetic thrillers and police procedurals of the 1970s, tackling the same crime syndicate...
Waste Land
Pieter Van Hees
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
An ultra-dark psychological thriller set in a Belgian underworld of Congolese art dealers and occult rituals, Waste Land's muddled maelstro...
Tu dors Nicole
Stéphane Lafleur
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
In Stéphane Lafleur's latest cinematic fever dream, Tu dors Nicole ("You're sleeping, Nicole"), a scrawny, pre-pubescent boy — whom t...
Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano
PUBLISHED Sep 5, 2014
After Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano's The Intouchables went on to become a phenomenon and one of the highest grossing French films of a...