Ivan Reitman
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
Arriving in stores just in time for the November U.S. presidential election, the Blu-Ray release of Dave is a savvy piece of marketing. An...
Solid Dudes Kitchen Season 2
Derek Swanson
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
Normally, when we think of cooking shows, we associate them with the onslaught of televised, food-related, reality B.S. from celebrity chef...
Play in the Gray
Kaitlin Meelia
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
Drag performance has been a mainstay in the gay community for many years and has gained an even larger spotlight with recent Logo TV produc...
The Funhouse [Blu-Ray]
Tobe Hooper
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
Amidst the interviews included with this surprisingly comprehensive and cleaned-up Blu-Ray release of throwaway 1981 horror film The Funhou...
Terror Train
Roger Spottiswoode
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
This seemingly forgettable Halloween knock-off from the '80s, featuring libidinous teenagers getting hacked-up by a masked villain as reven...
Chained [Blu-Ray]
Jennifer Lynch
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
In the film's perceptive and frank commentary, director/screenwriter Jennifer Lynch adamantly states that Chained isn't a horror film; rath...
The Giant Mechanical Man
Lee Kirk
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
If making any sort of meaningful connection with another human being can be nearly impossible, capturing that ephemeral feeling on film can...
Free Men
Ismaël Ferroukhi
PUBLISHED Nov 5, 2012
Ironically titled and playing off the oxymoronic concept of "freedom fighting," Ismaël Ferroukhi's historical thriller, Free Men, expo...