Continuing the diversification of the Southern Lord roster, Orthodoxs sophomore release is a mixed bag stylistically, but displays a surprising consistency. Alternating between free jazz experiments and mid-tempo, largely instrumental sludge, the group effectively distance themselves from their label mates while retaining the imprints signature suffocating production and drone-y undercurrents. Lengthy tracks are the norm, which some may find meandering but undeniably establish an atmosphere. They use wide-ranging instrumentation such as clarinets and trumpets, usually during the quieter moments dont expect Nokturnal Mortum-esque Slavic fusion arrangements. Amaneer en Puerta Oscura is a release grounded in and strengthened by its subtleties, and is not intended for those looking for an incessant bludgeoning.
(Southern Lord)Orthodox
Amaneer en Puerta Oscura
BY Max DeneauPublished Jan 26, 2008